Math Flexercise

Math FlexerciseA student wanted some assistance with some homework. Helped her with a visual on paper but then I thought I’d throw a quick Math Flexercise together. That’s right, I used Adobe Flex.

In case you are interested, here is the Math Flexercise MXML file that defines the Flex application and is used to create the resulting Flash application. It’s not a great example of coding, this was done quickly one night but perhaps it will help you with your Flex experiments.

Hope you enjoy it.
(Let me know if you break it.)

Voice Mail

I’ve had some memorable voice mail that sat saved for quite a while. Now it is time to expose them to the world. A dear girl I know loves leaving her dad messages. Enjoy.

Pound you like a baby!
October 15, 2006. In this message I’m being chastised for my behavior. I did behave poorly and did apologize. Ava is laughing because I walked into the room while she was leaving this message for me at work.
Bad thing happened
June 27, 2005. Apparently something bad happened but we moved past that quickly.
Cruddy day
March 17, 2005. There were troubles at home on this day. A sad girl.
The package
I’m wanted home, now! Alas, my presence is desperately desired for an alternative motive…to open a present.

Cupcake Breed

When we met Cupcake we were informed of a guess that she was a “Spaniel mix.” Of course everyone asks us what type of dog, so we’ve been trying to guess our own answer. Here is where I am so far — which may be far from accurate. We don’t plan any DNA testing to figure this out, but your input is more than welcome.

Based on size, behavior and coloring, my best amateurish statement is that she is a Pyrenean Sheepdog and Brittany mix. Cupcake seems to have many body and behavior similarities with the Pyrenean Sheepdog but with coloring (especially the giraffe spotting on the legs) of a Brittany. The Brittany is actually a Brittany Spaniel which would correlate with what we were told. Here are links to some pictures of these two breeds for you to study.

Pyrenean Sheepdog

Brittany Spaniel

As I look more I become more convinced she is a Pyrenean Shepherd dog. One aspect not in favor of my Pyrenean guess is that they are not very common, but either is our little assumed hybrid. You may also notice if you surf around that many Pyrenean Shepherds have longer coats which had me confused. It turns out that there is a smooth-faced Pyrenean with a shorter coat but it is still longer than that of Cupcake. Looking closer you’ll notice a Pyrenean page that includes puppy pictures in which the longer adult coat was not to be found. Check out the Harley link above and scroll down to the 4 month old photograph. Except for coloring it is a pretty close match for Cupcake. Harley even has a couple spots on those paws. Here are some more supporting images of my now jaded perspective.

Really not sure what Cupcake is, except that she is cute and a joy.

12/31/2007 Today had another person think Cupcake might be part Blue Heeler (Australian Cattle dog) and maybe Springer Spaniel. It is possible, I can see where they are coming from but size is an issue unless Cupcake is getting bigger than we think. While looking up Blue Heeler I ran across Australian Shepherd dogs which have some similarities with Pyrenean Shepherd dogs. Here are a couple links to images:

  • ASCA (no longer available)
  • AKC (no longer available)


It would help if there were some up to date shots. Here is a picture of Cupcake checking these out in the snow. Note that grown up she now has a tail brush (not sure if that is what it is called) and the fur on the hind legs gets quite long also.

The dog loves snowCupcake in the snow

Christmas Scenes

Each year at work we get together for a couple of hours to craft graham cracker houses for the season. You can check the gallery for my scenes of the last two years. Unfortunately I’m not sure if images exist for previous years. They will remain the domain of my imagination which means they surely exceed what remains in the shadows of reality.

You’ll note that they are not always houses. Such as this year (2006) which is a winter campground. Enjoy your holiday!


School Art

school art panes of home for each childShirley worked with the second grade again this year on their art project for the annual auction. This year it was art panels with the kids’ depiction of a home. There was also a separate individual panel with art of their choice.

a version of home art

It is always a lot of work and many volunteer hours are collected, but as you can see the results are worth the effort.

Here are views of the art from previous years.

coffee table with children's art decorating the top

first grade triptych with geometric shapes


This vibrant world is about to rock. We have a puppy coming our way. The stars aligned, the time was right… we hope. We found this adorable little tyke online. Of course I didn’t notice while paging that the results had skipped to Yakima listings. And, of course, our daughter adored her. Okay a short 3-1/2 hour trip in good weather to Yakima for a puppy. No problem.

As I said, though, the stars aligned on this one. While investigating Cupcake we come to find out the rescue agent is coming to Portland at the end of the week transferring some other dogs. Cupcake is coming to us! Ready or not this adorable dog is joining the family.

They aren’t sure what type of dog Cupcake is. They think a Spaniel mix. We have some guesses on the mix but will wait until she is with us to venture a guess here. Apparently Cupcake was found outside an orchard in Yakima by the agent’s husband. No other siblings or parent were found. We get to be part of her long-term rescue, and I’m sure she will be part of our long-term joy.

Of course there is already a Cupcake gallery.


PumpkinsOur annual pumpkin carving went well and provided our Japanese student some entertainment. Funny how she didn’t like sticking her hand into the pumpkin to clean it out. She’ll remember it.

We waited til the last minute this year and had to hurry the process but still successful and fun. Always grander plans for next year.

Selenium Test Tool

Selenium is an “in browser” test tool for web applications. It is a much friendlier tool than most similar applications and is made much easier with Selenium IDE. The IDE, a Firefox extension, proves capturing and running test cases can be easy. After opening, the IDE is in record mode so just start performing the necessary tasks and all is captured. You can then run your test case or edit it and save for later.

Selenium resolves problems in some applications that I’ve run into before. This is because Selenium is using the browser itself to run tests which takes care of cookie, session and many AJAX issues. That’s right, Selenium is running cases in the browser via JavaScript and iframes.

Selenium IDE supports walking through test cases and scripting support for creating and maintaining your tests. It is a complete IDE with support for auto-completion of Selenium commands.

I have not made full use of Selenium yet, so I’m sure there will be more pleasant discoveries as I move forward. The only area I would note a drawback is the realm of documentation. The availability of detailed documentation and examples would make your introduction to Selenium much easier and expand your capabilities much faster. Search around, there are many people posting their experiences and this is most valuable.