Easter Cooking: Pierogies and Babka Bread

This Easter traditions continued with bread baking and pierogi making.

Babka bread was this year’s bread feature. (In the past it has been hot cross buns and Challah bread.) Babka bread is impressive due to its size and stateliness. Adorned with a decorative cross and other embellishments it is beautiful, fills a room with heart-warming smells and tastes wonderful. In this picture we have our Babka bread on a Ukrainian table runner and alongside Easter eggs of year’s past.

Babka break on a Ukrainian table runner with Easter eggs next to the bread

Great to look at but better to eat. Our Babka bread had substance and great flavor along with a nice moist lightness to it. Babka bread sliced and on a plate ready to serve

Pierogies highlighted our meal and our day as the preparation does take time — but provides for ample family bonding. This year’s highlights included the teenagers making the pierogies. It was nice to see the cousins having fun and socializing while taking on this family tradition.

Last time they participated in the pierogi crafting but took it on full force this year. I think they found the mountain of flour building and hands-on work entertaining.

Ava smiles trying to keep the mountain of flour, eggs and other pierogi makings from collapsing before digging in with her hands to mix it all together

Unfortunately I enjoyed our meal before thinking of taking a picture of our beautiful place setting with plates full of pierogies with sour cream, kielbasa, German sweet mustard, dill sauerkraut, asparagus, and salad. Dessert featured gluten-free carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. A yummy day!

We have a few pierogies in the freezer, maybe I’ll remember to take a picture when we fry those up. Until then, you can take a look at SewPixie’s plate full of pierogies and sausage from her Flickr photostream.

Yay dinner! I was starving. Thank you Mr S for pierogies, kraut, and kielbasa. :)